Utstillings resultat 2016

29/12-2016 Letohallen

Letohallen, Norsk Dobermann klubb.


Judge: Cochetti, Francesco


Kalagera's Erna

Exellent, CK, 2 i jr. class

Lovely female, good head/express, corr ears.

good front, corr shoulder/topline/tail

corr rear angulation and coat, moves well.


Bernweiler's Poco Loca

Exellent free mover, super temp, corr bite, good head and expression.

Good neck/shoulder, tight okey

topline, corr tail, corr rear angulation, good coat.



Dog4 All 2016, IDS.

På norsk vinnerutstilling i Lillestrøm for dommer; Vincent O'Brien, Irland.

Kalagera's Erna excellent og nr 3 i Jr klassen. (Erna's first show as jr :) )

Very sound and tight. Exc. head. Nice flat scull. Exc. ears. Black nose and good wide noistrils. Exc. front and moves very well.

Bernweiler's Poco Loca "Frida" fikk exellent, Ck, 1 i championklassen, 2 best bitch, res.CACIB

3 y old female. Nicely constructured. Very balanced in type. Excellent head. Flat scull. Nice back nose and good nostrils. Nice sour expression with very strong neck and exc. front with perfect shoulders. Very sound mover and shows well

Vålerbanen 9. og 10. juli

Lørdag 9/7

judge: Göran Bodegård

Kalagera's Erna

Puppy class 6-9 mnd



Bernweiler's Poco Loca



Søndag 10/7

Judge: Helgesen, Svein Bjarne


Kalagera's Erna

Puppy class 6-9 mnd



Bernweiler's Poco Loca




Letohallen 24/4-16

Kalagera's Erna

puppy class 4-6 mnd

judge: Maritha Östlund-Holmsten

nr 1 bitch 4-6 mnd, best bitch & BIM


NKK Bergen 17/4-16

Bernweiler's Poco Loca " Frida"


Judge: Eberhardt, Dipl.-ing. Jochen H.

Tremendous bitch with impressive movement. Fem. head with nice open nostrils and acc. eyerims. Exc. placed front. shown in very good condition. Stands foresquare Nice temp.

res: Exellent, CK, 1 AK, CERT, CACIB, BOB

and the title: N UCH 

Nyeste kommentarer

17.12 | 12:25

Hei! Ønsker å kjøpe oss en engelsk bulldog og lurer på om dere har noen planlagte kull?

03.09 | 17:27

Hei hei. Planlegger dere kull på ddb i nærmeste fremtid ?:)

11.07 | 12:21

Hej, Vi var nutvungna att avliva våran bulldogg efter 8 år pga. cancer. Nu söker vi en tik valp. Är det något du kan hjälpa oss med? Med vänlig hälsning, Mikael

09.07 | 17:41

Hei, har tidligere eid en japanese chin, men Engelsk bulldog er en rase jeg alltid har hatt sansen for. Er det lang ventetid hos dere?